Book Reviews

The Countdown is Real

April 24, 2017

Graduation is less than three weeks away. I was talking to my mom yesterday and she asked me if I was excited about it. I am, of course, but there are other emotions somewhat overshadowing it. I’m sure graduation day will be amazing, but my mind has already skipped ahead to May 14th.

When I wake up on that day and I’m no longer a student, what am I going to do (slightly rhetorical, slightly not)? I thrive on having a plan and knowing what comes next, so this phase of my life has been stretching me to say the least. Unofficially, I’ve told myself that I’d like to have at least one solid job offer lined up by graduation, but the closer we get to that date the less plausible that goal seems (I just read an article that said the average amount of time that passes between applying for a job and getting a job offer is 4 weeks).

And I know that day will inevitably bring questions from family and friends about what comes next. Sure I can tell them I’m applying for health comm research positions, but on the inside there will be bombs going off – like are you really going to find a good position, and when is this job going to appear? Ultimately, I don’t doubt that I will find the right position, but my struggle is with timing. When will this wonderful job reveal itself? Like a kid who thinks her family forgot her birthday, I find myself tempted to leave little clues for God just in case He’s overlooked it with everything He’s got going on. I’m two seconds from hitting up Target’s dollar section, buying a few calendars, and leaving them out with May 13th circled in red. Seriously.

Besides applying for jobs, I’ve been doing a lot more reading because I honestly can’t be left to just my thoughts. I need to either be diligently working toward finding the right position, or consuming material that’s going to keep my spirits high.

These are some of the books I’ve started with. I bought them a couple months ago and I’ve just recently had time to crack them open. I’m actually almost finished with Fervent. Before I started that, I just finished reading another book by Priscilla Shirer called, “Discerning the Voice of God.” It was wonderful. She gives you really good practical information about how to listen for God, and to know that it’s actually Him speaking. People often talk about faith and Christianity being illogical (and it definitely can be), but she explained things in ways that just made so much sense. Now that I’m on my second book of hers, I can see that she’s a good storyteller. Her books have a conversational feel to them. You can tell she really wanted to make it seem as if she’s sitting down in front of you just giving you some advice.

So for this week my plans are to finish reading Fervent, start and finish reading David and Goliath, finish reading another book that the pastor at my church surprised me with called the Blessed Life, apply for more jobs of course, and help a good friend practice for her defense.

I truly hope that you all have a wonderful week.

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