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MISSING: My Summer Break!

August 2, 2015

I’m writing to report my stolen summer break. When I went to sleep in May it was here, but when I woke up this morning it was gone. I’m truly devastated. I had such high hopes for it and now it’s vanished. [*In my Robert Stack voice*] If you have any information about my summer or its last known whereabouts, please contact me at…

All kidding aside (not really!), this has got to be the shortest summer ever. I feel like some one pressed fast forward and it was moving at 4X the normal speed. How is it August already?! I’m still scratching my head on this one.

A part from the sadness there is genuine excitement about the new school year. I’ll be taking some nutrition research courses in the school of public health, a survey methods course, and a course on media law, all of which are going to be incredibly useful when I start my dissertation research.

One exciting development from this summer is figuring out my post graduate career plans. I always knew that I wanted to work in a creative space on several types of health communication projects. Beyond that the picture was hazy. Well it’s becoming much clearer now. A lot of reflection (plus late night planning sessions with my wise big sis:) have helped me realize the unique space that I can occupy in my field. It’s nice being able to go in my second year with this type of direction, and I’m immensely grateful to God for more clarity. I’ll continue to flesh out my ideas and goals, and at some point (don’t know exactly when) I’ll be ready to share them with you.

For the time being, I’ll try to enjoy these last couple of weeks before the semester starts by spending time with family and friends (in style, but of course!) Check out some pics below:

Chambray Top: Topshop, Tweed Shorts: Zara, Leopard Print Loafers: Madewell, Clutch: TJ Maxx, Shades: Forever 21

Here’s to a wonderful week!